
AI Writing Tools – Aint Going To Change My Style –test copy

AI Writing and Music tools have an early and deep presence in savvy AI usage. And as a  Yoast user in WordPress and Grammerly with Office being a constant companion one can say this scriber is not exactly a Wordcraft Virgin. But ChatGPT has suddenly inserted real muscle into the auto-generation of paragraphs, presentations, and

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Using Carousels, Sliders, Slideshows to Manage UI Display Space

The NewYork Times and Washington Post and other news/sports media  are constantly confronted with the issue of what stories are to appear on their landing pages. This balancing act is further complicated by what media need to be used – images, videos, podcasts or even design objects . This is the same issue faced by

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AI Graphics: Everything Everywhere All At Once

For the past half year, AI-Artificial Intelligence on the Web is everyhing everywhere  and all at once –  ask any SEO junky, social media designer, or frantic backend coder. But fortunately  as a WordPress Designer and Developer I could safely ignore AI because  it was constantly “arriving”. Truly, trying to get into  AI incurred  waits

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AI is an Incoming…Threat or Opportunity?

For 200 years Automation has been the major economic motive force  throughout the Industrial Powered World  as a driver of innovations and economic growth. 200 years is  a very short tiime span in Human history given the rise of agriculture and  city states  took 1o-2o thousand years The key to Automation’s success is the the

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Thoughtful Buffalo WP Meetup

Our last Buffalo WP Meetup reported in as being packed with cheerful help. The February 2 2023 meetup took a thoughtful turn as major questions got discussed in a surprising turn of events. It started innocently enough with Spokane’s Mark Noder citing an updated Gutenberg roadmap and strategic direction statement in January 16th 2023 by  Josepha,

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Looking into VPS again

Four years ago I did a review for a client on what were the major  dedicated VPS-Virtual Private Server options. It is important to identify a  dedicated server because that means you are the only user of the server and have access to its IP, transcode, and password so you can customize the hardware  and

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WPSite Optimization – 2 Recurring Problems

Despite scheduling just five days before Christmas, The Toronto WordPress Group’s Lets FixIt meetup had a strong turnout with many interesting websites and problems. The Big No surprise, Woo Commerce was often used but also the source of difficulties – there were  two consistent vilains: First, image optimizaion was the source of  hard, concrete Woo

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Breakdancing up with Elementor

Readers of this blog will have seen since the beginning of this year a steady stream of pleadings for better stability from Elementor Builder. The most recent review, just a week ago, noted the continuing problems with flexbox, template code, and the debilitating collisions/conflicts  with Elementor’s own 3rdparty addons that take  hours if not days

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Creating New Views in WordPress with CSS

As always we start off with a look at some  CSS Help Tips and Tutorial Resources which will be reviewed  with special attention to attendees recommendations for CSS websites chock full of at the start of the Meetup. This is aalways a helpful start off point into the CSS World. So without further todo –

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WordPress Under Duress

WP Tavern has been reporting stories which show WordPress and  Automattic under duress for the past few months. It started with the May 12th 2022 story WordPress Community Attributes Declining Market Share to Performance Issues, Increased Complexity, and the Lagging Full-Site Editing Project. This is a tough indictment for WordPress and some of the evidence

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Tutorial for CSS Styling Editors

From the meetup on Methods for Fixing up Gutenberg Editor’s Styling Problems there came a 4 step plan. First was to use the Classic Editor for posts and pages that did not need extensive styling – fast, easy-to-use, and ever more capable with Advanced TinyMCE  plugin[See our upcoming free Meetup – Classic Editor Hot Tips

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