AI is an Incoming…Threat or Opportunity?

For 200 years Automation has been the major economic motive force  throughout the Industrial Powered World  as a driver of innovations and economic growth. 200 years is  a very short tiime span in Human history given the rise of agriculture and  city states  took 1o-2o thousand years The key to Automation’s success is the the ability to adapt new proesses and machinery that delivered more output for lower cost with greater reliability and less risk/danger to workers and operators while the mechanisms of compensation for labor time/skill/attention slowly evolved too.

Of course the straight line of  industrial improvements has seen notable shocks and shortcomings such as child labor extremes, mining  and manufacturing disasters or slowly accumulating health or disease outbreaks. Meanwhile  the concentration  of the profits of labor  is accumulated by an ever smaller group of  stakeholders with  exacting a growing  cost to viability of  the enterprise.

Over the past 70 years Automation’s increasinlgly sophisticated electronic systems  have become the  driving force of 2oth century  economic  innovation . IT systems are the mover sand transfer agent in society around the world. Literally millions of jobs have either moved out of tradional production sites  or have been replaced by aoverall utomation. s the following economic sonWith the start of 2023 as forewarned, AI Technology is incoming rapidly regardless of what you need or want. Rather major players Google, OpenAI, Bing, and Microsoft will give you what they think will allow themto prevail in the hot AImarket. Look at the evidence:
1 – ChatGPT Is an Impressive AI Chatbot That Can’t Stop Lying from How-to Geek
2 – Google shares lose $100 billion after company’s AI chatbot makes an error during demo from CNN Business
3 – Tom’s Guide has a Bard review drenched in pop along ads
4 – Techradar has a better  and much less ad encumbered review of Bard vs ChatGPT
5 – See what the NYTimes has recently said about chatbots
6 – My Strange Day With Bing’s New AI Chatbot from Wired has latest news
7 – As one might expect IBM has an AI strategy
8 – PluralSight has a whitepaper on ten AI trends to 2025
And the video eveidence is pretty compelling of AI impact on not just WordPress but also broader Web development. Here are three reviews worth checking out: Reiser has caught some of the major trends in WordPress Development and has identified a solid ChatGPT niche – accelerated content creation.

The next video shows how a variety of available AI tools hep create/customize Website esigns:

What makes The Code Community so compelling is how actual AI Art tools combine with CHatGPT plus EditorX to deliver a working website.

Our Final example follows Bri n Hussey, a web designer at Creative X who deliver a second AI Art + ChatGPT web design methods.

This shows the range of AI-ready tools you can already use even before Bard+Lambda and Ai-Powered Bing are unleashed.


AI does mean much faster Web development across WordPress and a broad range of Web tools which will put pressure on agencies and design firms. Adding to faster turnaround is the fact the Tech Industries in 2023 so far have made 77,000 layoffs to their staff so far. Like Climate Change, does this mean an unexpected consequence, perhaps a hollowing out of mid-level technical careers? No NO, we have been taught not to worry about Automation – it always creates more [and higher paying] jobs than it consumes.

But the tenor is changing – here is a reaction to current AI directions on Reddit’s AI subject.:
Hackers, grifters, and power mongers are going to use AI at whatever level it is available to cheat, manipulate and control a lot of citizens. Remember a few years ago when the dark web started providing computer virus-making kits? Then it was ransomware. Now, combined with data scraping social media, database hacks, and the absurdly detailed knowledge the AIs are trained on, dangerous, greedy operatives will be stealing IDs, faking undetectable phone calls from “nephews”, and yanking the already divided people even further apart. And a whole lot more. All in 6 months with what’s available right now. The honeymoon is almost over for AI. Whatever substantial good things it might help us with will quickly be tainted by the malevolent use of AI.
Yes, this argument reflects the broader belief that first the Internet’s spectacular growth has been left in the hands of huge monopolistic American and Chinese businesses who control the critical engines, not government agencies that pioneered much of the technology. Worse technology was pirated and malevolently customized for waves of hacking exploits that either stole private information or paralyzed web operations for fees.

The second major  Internet advance, the rise of Social Media has seen a)the emergence of huge monopolies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Amazon plus the  and Chises protectorates like Alibaba, WeChat, Sina Weibo, Tencent, etc..b)the failure to control waves of misinformation among site users; c)the vulnerability to massive hack attacks stealing private user data; d)selling user data thinly blanketed to the highest bidders including hackers plus domestic /foreign political/business parties for their unbridled usage – Trump 2016 is a notable example.

So now the third major Internet. the use of a fast proliferating Artificial Intelligence technology to make deep fakes in video, audio recordings, and images trained to tell false and fabricated memes plus stories for political ends or scam profits is on the brink of being unleashed. Literally,  no AI tech players, despite calling for a moratorium on AI development, are doing anything but currently roaring ahead with advanced and across-the-board AI-based developments.

Worse the American government, deeply divided politically, appears to be incapable of acting with any “bipartisan” resolve or inspiration o control the Approaching AI Beast.

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