Jacques Surveyer

Using Carousels, Sliders, Slideshows to Manage UI Display Space

The NewYork Times and Washington Post and other news/sports media  are constantly confronted with the issue of what stories are to appear on their landing pages. This balancing act is further complicated by what media need to be used – images, videos, podcasts or even design objects . This is the same issue faced by […]

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AI is an Incoming…Threat or Opportunity?

For 200 years Automation has been the major economic motive force  throughout the Industrial Powered World  as a driver of innovations and economic growth. 200 years is  a very short tiime span in Human history given the rise of agriculture and  city states  took 1o-2o thousand years The key to Automation’s success is the the

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Thoughtful Buffalo WP Meetup

Our last Buffalo WP Meetup reported in as being packed with cheerful help. The February 2 2023 meetup took a thoughtful turn as major questions got discussed in a surprising turn of events. It started innocently enough with Spokane’s Mark Noder citing an updated Gutenberg roadmap and strategic direction statement in January 16th 2023 by  Josepha,

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WPSite Optimization – 2 Recurring Problems

Despite scheduling just five days before Christmas, The Toronto WordPress Group’s Lets FixIt meetup had a strong turnout with many interesting websites and problems. The Big No surprise, Woo Commerce was often used but also the source of difficulties – there were  two consistent vilains: First, image optimizaion was the source of  hard, concrete Woo

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Buffalo WordPress Meetup-Cheerful Help

The Buffalo WordPress Meetup this past Friday was both cheerful and helpful. Cheerful with Michelle’s video upside down like mine so  we both revert to static text or image. The ripostes were devoted to the Snow job northwest New York had to endure and the Bills Eeking out Erie wins. What made the Buffalo WordPress

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WordPress Meetup – CSS Coding

For many WordPress Developers the attraction of WordPress is great UI design tools with No Coding Required. But within the last year that promise has changed to “Some Coding Required” with the emergence of Gutenberg FSE and new ThemeBuilders like BreakDance, BricksBuilder, Elementor Pro, and OxygenBuilder, All of these tools are now using advanced CSS

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Mobile Presence Meetup Promises Insights

This meetup tomorrow on Wednesday at 6PM is packed with new insights on Mobile Usage in WordPress. The foremost is how Mobile Devices are now the number one presence on the Web carrying close to 56% of Worldwide Internet traffic Yes, in North America desktop traffic at 50% exceeds mobile. But as a WordPress developer

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Theme Builders Emerge as top WordPress Frontend Design Tools

For the past 20 years WordPress has gained worldwide website markets share [currently 44.0% of the top 10 million websites] by delivering easy-to-use, “no coding required” frontend design and backend operational tools. The WordPress Classic Visual Editor is simple, easy to use  as seen in  5-million active installations , being a Gutenberg core block, and

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WordPress Templates 101

WordPress themes and templates are on the frontlines of frontend development. Why? Because every theme contains 12+ key  templates and style codes that determine the layout and design of a WordPress website. Here is the diagram of some of the key templates that shape the look and feel of a WordPress website: There are 6

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FSE: Another WordPress Minimum Viable Product

The Gutenberg Team has a checkered history with MVP- Minimum Viable Products. Check on the Kinsta Blog which cites effect that the MVP strategy had on the Gutenberg Editor. The Gutenberg Editor deficits incurred are well delineated in the review – Gutenberg Editor: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  So what exactly is a

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WordPress Photo Editors

As a WordPress developer one dreaded problem was the prospect of having to correct a number of DirtyDog images on the website. What is a DirtyDog image?  It is an image that has to be corrected or replaced. The process is tedious  , time-consuming and awkward But what are examples of Dirty Dogs: as images

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