
Large Language Models – Heart of AI — copy

AI-Artificial Intelligence today is a Russian Overlapping Dollset of technologies which drive how AI is used, modified and self-generated. Yes, AI tools are actively used to  generate better AI tools in a process called transformative generator models. A key tool in  AI technology is LLM-Large Language Models  which are built from huge, multi-billion record data

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Large Language Models – Heart of AI

AI-Artificial Intelligence today is a Russian Overlapping Dollset of technologies which drive how AI is used, modified and self-generated. Yes, AI tools are actively used to loop on themselves to  generate better AI tools in a process called transformative generator models or Generative AI. The key tool in AI technology is LLM-Large Language Models  which

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Large Language Models

AI-Artificial Intelligence today is a Russian Overlapping Doll set of technologies which drive how AI is used, modified and self-generated. Yes, AI tools are actively used to  generate better AI tools in a process called transformative generator models. A key tool in  AI technology is LLM-Large Language Models  which are built from huge, multi-billion record

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AI is an Incoming…Threat or Opportunity?

For 200 years Automation has been the major economic motive force  throughout the Industrial Powered World  as a driver of innovations and economic growth. 200 years is  a very short tiime span in Human history given the rise of agriculture and  city states  took 1o-2o thousand years The key to Automation’s success is the the

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WordPress is not in Kansas Anymore

“WordPress is not in Kansas Anymore” means WordPress is no longer a simple, easy-to-use app  of early years. Many basic features of WordPress, such as simple point-and-click UI operations, are subject to more complex options as online computing becomes riddled with hard choices. So not just WordPress but most web development tools are challenged to

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WordPress Meetup – CSS Coding

For many WordPress Developers the attraction of WordPress is great UI design tools with No Coding Required. But within the last year that promise has changed to “Some Coding Required” with the emergence of Gutenberg FSE and new ThemeBuilders like BreakDance, BricksBuilder, Elementor Pro, and OxygenBuilder, All of these tools are now using advanced CSS

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CSS Visual Editors – WP Solutions Meetup

3 years ago we we did a meetup presentation on WordPress Page Styling which highlighted changes in WordPress Page Design. The big underlying trend was the rapid standardization of new CSS features in the top 5-6 desktop and mobile browsers. WordPress vendors in turn took advantage of these CSS styling techniques in 4 ways: 1- adding animation,

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Mobile WordPress Trends

Mobile WordPress Development often  gets the short emd of the analytics stick. Fortunately, Hootsuite publishes annual reports on the state of the Web World which clearly shows the pivotal role mobile devices play on the Web. Mobile in their many forms play everywhere in contemporary computing. For the past 5 years these reports have marked

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How TotalAV PC Internet Security Lost a Customer

I have been a TotalAV PC Internet security user since late October 2017 and have been reasonably happy with the service. But in mid-February that all changed with the following notices from TotalAV: This was the first notification that arrived unannounced mid-screen, mid-day. Surprise! but it was not the last – as suddenly, out of

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Theme Builders Emerge as top WordPress Frontend Design Tools

For the past 20 years WordPress has gained worldwide website markets share [currently 44.0% of the top 10 million websites] by delivering easy-to-use, “no coding required” frontend design and backend operational tools. The WordPress Classic Visual Editor is simple, easy to use  as seen in  5-million active installations , being a Gutenberg core block, and

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WordPress Editors Innovation

With the arrival of Gutenberg and rapid change in drag and drop PageBuilder capabilities, the humble WordPress Visual Editor is getting lots of attention and frankly welcome innovations from plugin developers. This starts with the TinyMCE Advanced with its improved Table and top menu bar commands. But Editor innovation extends to  Joom United’s WP Smart

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WordPress PageBuilders – Annoying Flaws

Our technical blog, recently did a major review of Google’s New Sites and App Maker programs to support G Suite. Both Google programs are clearly committed to the Drag and Drop, “no programming required” coding model used by a wide range of Website Builders. These including the leading edge WordPress PageBuilders. So wouldn’t you

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WordPress 5 and Gutenberg Editor Debut: An Assessment

WordPress 5 and the Gutenberg Editor have been tantalizing WordPress developers for the last half year. There have been at least a half dozen “tentative’  delivery dates from May through November. And the Gutenberg team certainly came down to the wire in delivering a “working” version of Gutenberg. Now of course “working” is relative but

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