
This portfolio of recent projects demonstrates both New Website Designs and Refinements of Existing Websites done in the last 5 years. Most have been done using WordPress with modern PageBuilders and CSS Design/Styling tools. But there are 3 projects shown with a yellow  background which have been developed with HTML5 and a JavaScript Framework to meet special requirements. If you click on the site’s screenshot you will be transferred to any active sites.

CHALLENGE: Create a Web Popup that is crammed with essential links used in Web Management and Control.
TECHNOLOGY:   Straight HTML+CSS with vivid colors.
CODING TRICKS:  Debug the app using Notepad++ with convenient preview capabilities. The HTML version replaces jQuery driven popup that worked but was hard to update/change.
DEVELOPMENT TIME: It has been refined over the past 2-4 years- it is easy to update and change.

CHALLENGE: Create a Restaurant site using PWA for quick  mobile orders from live menu
TECHNOLOGY:   Super PWA plugin in Elementor UI
CODING TRICKS:  Link the menus page with the Reservations SPA.
DEVELOPMENT TIME:  This demo websiite took a day to deliver and forever to sell to the client

CHALLENGE: Create Landing Page design for a story about Toronto City BaseballParks 
TECHNOLOGY:   WordPress Ocean/WP multi-layout theme. Visual Editor % Elementor for posts plus Foo Gallery and Smart Slider 
CODING TRICKS:  How to condense a lot of information and images about the summer baseball activity in the summer time. . Sliders and gallery widgets provide visual story telling. Parallax background images draw visitors into story.
DEVELOPMENT TIME: 3 sessions of 2-3  hours to gather story material, then develop the layout  

CHALLENGE: Create an attractive technical website for a start-up Chemical Engieering Consultancy.
TECHNOLOGY:  WordPress with multi-layout  Astra Theme. Thrive Architect for sophisticated pop-ups, Divi for special page styling and templates.
CODING TRICKS:  Technical Marketing is paramount with tables and charts demo-ing key calculation models
DEVELOPMENT TIME: 5 sessions of 3-4 hours  produce the current staging version .

CHALLENGE: Sell a Nevis St. Kitts vacation home remotely from Toronto
TECHNOLOGY:  WordPress on SiteGround Hosting allows for staging ,back-up and website optimization . FooGallery and Nextgen provide carousel look at the property.
CODING TRICKS:  Use deliberate pointers in images to give perspective on Nevis and surrounds. Employ a Image Optimizer routines i& lazyloading better performance.
DEVELOPMENT TIME: 3 days plus 2 revisions until home is sold

CHALLENGE: Design  a MBA Class website with easy navigation and use by class members. Also make  website extensible to add future features
TECHNOLOGY:  WPMU MultiSite with Astra Theme + Beaver Builder designer for ease of use & customization
CODING TRICKS:  BeaverBuilder + Astra theme allows quick creation of SPA-Single Page application which can be easily extended forindividual use via  mobile syncs
DEVELOPMENT TIME: 3 day sesson plus 2 reviews/demos 

CHALLENGE: Deliver in 2 days a crosstabs and summary analysis of the results of the WordCamp 2018 Survey of Candidate Topics
TECHNOLOGY: Google Sheets with WordPress +  BeaverBuilder using WPDataTables
CODING TRICKS: Transfer of survey data from Google Sheets to WordPress via WPDatatables plugin. Analyzing the data with Create SQL plugin and then use templating to quickly reproduce 108 reports. See here for the details.
DEVELOPMENT TIME: 2 sessions  of 12 hours total  for results to be made  available to WordCamp TO organizers.

CHALLENGE: Deliver newly styled SPA-Single Page Application website for Beauty Salon
TECHNOLOGY: WordPress +  OceanWP Theme and Divi PageBuilder plus Sticky Menu plugin 
CODING TRICKS: Hero Image overlay with sticky header and multi-column “page” layouts
 plus online booking. Also popup slider and gallery carousel to promote Hair and Makeup work.
DEVELOPMENT TIME: 2 5-hours sessions for WordPress Meetup Demo of PageBuilders Prowess

CHALLENGE: Revamp website with new dramatic look & feel  on a new hosting service
TECHNOLOGY: WordPress + Beaver Theme with Beaver PageBuilder
CODING TRICKS: Posts in grid display, Gallery using Masonry layout,  Full-width video  & Events in Accordion layout

DEVELOPMENT TIME: 7 sessions in 5 weeks

CHALLENGE: Drag 20 year old website crammed with Web & WordPress reviews, tips & tutorials into more usable look & feel  
TECHNOLOGY: WordPress +Elementor, VPS server, more dynamic display routines
CODING TRICKS: Posts in grid display, iframe and live charts, codepen display of code in action
DEVELOPMENT TIME: Constant retooling over 5 ++ years

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