
AI Writing Tools – Aint Going To Change My Style –test copy

AI Writing and Music tools have an early and deep presence in savvy AI usage. And as a  Yoast user in WordPress and Grammerly with Office being a constant companion one can say this scriber is not exactly a Wordcraft Virgin. But ChatGPT has suddenly inserted real muscle into the auto-generation of paragraphs, presentations, and

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Buffalo WordPress Meetup-Cheerful Help

The Buffalo WordPress Meetup this past Friday was both cheerful and helpful. Cheerful with Michelle’s video upside down like mine so  we both revert to static text or image. The ripostes were devoted to the Snow job northwest New York had to endure and the Bills Eeking out Erie wins. What made the Buffalo WordPress

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Creating New Views in WordPress with CSS

As always we start off with a look at some  CSS Help Tips and Tutorial Resources which will be reviewed  with special attention to attendees recommendations for CSS websites chock full of at the start of the Meetup. This is aalways a helpful start off point into the CSS World. So without further todo –

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Mobile Presence Meetup Promises Insights

This meetup tomorrow on Wednesday at 6PM is packed with new insights on Mobile Usage in WordPress. The foremost is how Mobile Devices are now the number one presence on the Web carrying close to 56% of Worldwide Internet traffic Yes, in North America desktop traffic at 50% exceeds mobile. But as a WordPress developer

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Tutorial for CSS Styling Editors

From the meetup on Methods for Fixing up Gutenberg Editor’s Styling Problems there came a 4 step plan. First was to use the Classic Editor for posts and pages that did not need extensive styling – fast, easy-to-use, and ever more capable with Advanced TinyMCE  plugin[See our upcoming free Meetup – Classic Editor Hot Tips

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Mobile WordPress Trends

Mobile WordPress Development often  gets the short emd of the analytics stick. Fortunately, Hootsuite publishes annual reports on the state of the Web World which clearly shows the pivotal role mobile devices play on the Web. Mobile in their many forms play everywhere in contemporary computing. For the past 5 years these reports have marked

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WordPress Revolution: MultiPurpose Themes + PageBuilders

In the past 5 years the combination of Multi-Purpose/Multi-Layout themes with advanced PageBuilders have revolutionized “no-coding” required interactive Webpage creation. This is important as designers and end-users can now participate more actively  with developers in creating, refining and updating a website. It is true DIY development as seen here – not only are end users able

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