Tutorial for CSS Styling Editors

From the meetup on Methods for Fixing up Gutenberg Editor’s Styling Problems there came a 4 step plan. First was to use the Classic Editor for posts and pages that did not need extensive styling – fast, easy-to-use, and ever more capable with Advanced TinyMCE  plugin[See our upcoming free Meetup – Classic Editor Hot Tips for more details].But beyond targeting the Classic Editor as appropriate, the meetup also recommended using some of the advanced Gutenberg blocks that helped fill in the Gutenberg styling gaps.

In addition, many of the top PageBuilders like Beaver Builder, Elementor, and Themify work well as directly accessible block plugins in Gutenberg. These PageBuilders then take over page editing including  suppling layout, styling and WYSIWYG ease of operation right within Gutenberg.

The last recommendation was to use one of 3 top notch CSS Style Editors to do post layout design fixes. This is attractive because all three of the CSS Style Editors [CSSHero, Microthemer and Yellow Pencil] can be used to refine the styling of any WordPress site be it a simple page made using the Classic Editor or the master design work of a ThemeBuilder like Bricks Builder  or the Gutenberg Block Builder which needs some hard to reach refinements.

This is the attraction of the CSS Style Editors, they are like having your browser’s Inspect command but now outfitted with capability to make immediate refinements to a page or the websites default stylings. So watch for the upcoming CSS Style Editors review. Or buy a $50 Zoom tutorial which will solve your persistent styling problem using one of the CSS Style editors or your money back. Contact Jack at jbsurv@MasterWP.guru for details.

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