
Meetup Summary – Fixing Gutenberg Editor’s Styling Missteps

Over the past 7 years Gutenberg has gone through several name changes – The  Gutenberg Editor, Block Editor, Gutenberg Block tool,  and now the Block Builder with FSE-Full Site Editing features. In sum, Gutenberg with its JavaScript driven blocks is being advanced as the primary UI engine for the evolving  WordPress Core System. ***  Table […]

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Mobile WP Trends – Meetup Summary

The Mobile Presence Meetup was filled with as many questions as facts and answers. However,  important facts evident in the presented Hootsuite slides – Mobile  device usage, at 92% of all internet connections. simply demands attention. And the  the second HootSuite slide puts “mobile devices” into perspective – it  shows the multiple flavors for  mobiles

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Mobile WordPress Trends

Mobile WordPress Development often  gets the short emd of the analytics stick. Fortunately, Hootsuite publishes annual reports on the state of the Web World which clearly shows the pivotal role mobile devices play on the Web. Mobile in their many forms play everywhere in contemporary computing. For the past 5 years these reports have marked

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Elementor’s Risky Changes

From the April 6th Meetup on Elementor Changes there were some interesting observations about Elementor and the WordPress PageBuilder/ThemeBuilder market. First, attendees were split equally between using Elementor, Beaver Builder and the Classic Editor  as their goto post and page editor. Second, choices of Gutenberg Block Editor, SiteOrigin Pageuilder and Thrive architect indicated diverse commitments

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CSS WordPress Tips & Workshop

Wouldn’t you know it, you set a free Meetup for Tuesday March 15th all about WordPress CSS Tips and Tricks – and then two major WordPress software developers, Elementor and Brainstorm Force, annouce that theyare shifting to flexbox framework for all of their basic layout routines. So much a commitment that Elementor has decided to

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Theme Builders Emerge as top WordPress Frontend Design Tools

For the past 20 years WordPress has gained worldwide website markets share [currently 44.0% of the top 10 million websites] by delivering easy-to-use, “no coding required” frontend design and backend operational tools. The WordPress Classic Visual Editor is simple, easy to use  as seen in  5-million active installations , being a Gutenberg core block, and

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FSE: Another WordPress Minimum Viable Product

The Gutenberg Team has a checkered history with MVP- Minimum Viable Products. Check on the Kinsta Blog which cites effect that the MVP strategy had on the Gutenberg Editor. The Gutenberg Editor deficits incurred are well delineated in the review – Gutenberg Editor: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.  So what exactly is a

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Meetup: WP Performance Tuning – 5 new Plugins

Within the last two years there has been a whole new batch of better  WordPress Performance Optimization plugins. What sets these plugins apart from the many caching and image compression plugins is that many of the new Gun Performance plugins incorporate not just  caching tools but also image compression, database optimization, app assets cleanup, and

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Meetup: WordPress Performance Optimization 2 -New Results

WordPress Optimization used to be an arcane art similar to scurrying around in an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole of  misdirections. But not any more. Now the range of tuning tools  and optimizing methods outlined above can be quickly tracked and corrected.  The net result is that sub 2 second response time for most WordPress

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WordPress Editors Innovation

With the arrival of Gutenberg and rapid change in drag and drop PageBuilder capabilities, the humble WordPress Visual Editor is getting lots of attention and frankly welcome innovations from plugin developers. This starts with the TinyMCE Advanced with its improved Table and top menu bar commands. But Editor innovation extends to  Joom United’s WP Smart

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WordPress PageBuilders – Annoying Flaws

Our technical blog, TheOpenSourcery.com recently did a major review of Google’s New Sites and App Maker programs to support G Suite. Both Google programs are clearly committed to the Drag and Drop, “no programming required” coding model used by a wide range of Website Builders. These including the leading edge WordPress PageBuilders. So wouldn’t you

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WordPress 5 and Gutenberg Editor Debut: An Assessment

WordPress 5 and the Gutenberg Editor have been tantalizing WordPress developers for the last half year. There have been at least a half dozen “tentative’  delivery dates from May through November. And the Gutenberg team certainly came down to the wire in delivering a “working” version of Gutenberg. Now of course “working” is relative but

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Gutenberg Featuring Elementor Templates

As Gutenberg Editor along with WordPress 5.0 rapidly approach release [now scheduled for November 19th]a number of PageBuilder vendors  are promising interfaces with Gutenberg. Site Origins  in February was first to announce its compatibility plans. Themify Builder added in May the ability to have Themify blocks interspersed in a Gutenberg session much like it delivers

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Gutenberg Debates at the WPTavern

WPTavern is the watering hole for the latest news on WordPress. As the Gutenberg Editor approaches Release Candidate in early November and the WordPress 5.0 Launch, there are some roaring debates going on at WPtavern. This is not quite Justice Kavanaugh stridency, but beyond the normal WP civility norms. As an example, the topic of  WordPress Theme and Plugin

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