
AI is an Incoming…Threat or Opportunity?

For 200 years Automation has been the major economic motive force  throughout the Industrial Powered World  as a driver of innovations and economic growth. 200 years is  a very short tiime span in Human history given the rise of agriculture and  city states  took 1o-2o thousand years The key to Automation’s success is the the […]

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Mobile Presence Meetup Promises Insights

This meetup tomorrow on Wednesday at 6PM is packed with new insights on Mobile Usage in WordPress. The foremost is how Mobile Devices are now the number one presence on the Web carrying close to 56% of Worldwide Internet traffic Yes, in North America desktop traffic at 50% exceeds mobile. But as a WordPress developer

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Web Development Topics for 2nd Half of 2018

Web Development is trending good and bad. Bad  is Facebook, Twitter and Google – the top three secret personal-data harvesters who are also shucking their duty to patrol what they allow to be “advertised”/published on their systems. The good is that Web Development continues to change and mature at an exponential pace – no more

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