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Meetup: WP Performance Tuning – 5 new Plugins

Within the last two years there has been a whole new batch of better  WordPress Performance Optimization plugins. What sets these plugins apart from the ...

Meetup: WordPress Performance Optimization 2 -New Results

WordPress Optimization used to be an arcane art similar to scurrying around in an Alice in Wonderland rabbit hole of  misdirections. But not any more. ...

Headway ThemeBuilder Alive as Padma

All the WordPress UI Development Community is buzzing about FSE-Full Site Editing plus a whole crop of excellent PageBuilders evolving into Theme Builders lead by Beaver ...

Open WordPress is a Closed Development Shop?

WordPress over 20 years has a stellar record for using open source code and open processes. The WordPress core code is available for free along ...

CyberSecurity Resources

Cybersecurity resources are constantly changing with the onslaught of cyberattacks . Here are some valuable and up to date  reports. The IBM Cost of a ...

WordPress Photo Editors

As a WordPress developer one dreaded problem was the prospect of having to correct a number of DirtyDog images on the website. What is a ...

Web Trends Meetup

Web Trends 2021-2022 This review looks at how Computing has become world-wide personally pervasive – 66% of the world’s population have a  personal computer.    ...

WordPress Database and File Viewers

WordPress users are finding it more important than ever to be able to quickly view their WordPress files, media  and database directly within the WordPress ...

WordPress Editors Innovation

With the arrival of Gutenberg and rapid change in drag and drop PageBuilder capabilities, the humble WordPress Visual Editor is getting lots of attention and ...

WordPress PageBuilders – Annoying Flaws

Our technical blog, recently did a major review of Google’s New Sites and App Maker programs to support G Suite. Both Google programs are ...

Gutenberg Editor vs WordPress PageBuilders

Gutenberg Editor has just landed and brings the mandate for WYSIWYG editing to WordPress as it looks to replace the more basic Classic Editor. But ...

WordPress 5 and Gutenberg Editor Debut: An Assessment

WordPress 5 and the Gutenberg Editor have been tantalizing WordPress developers for the last half year. There have been at least a half dozen “tentative’  ...

A Feast of Gutenberg Add-on Blocks

10 months ago there were very few signs of 3rd party add-on blocks for the Gutenberg editor. But now there is a feast of add-ons ...

WordCamp Toronto 2018 Favorite Sessions

WordCamp Toronto 2018 is coming to the North York Civic Centre [North York station right on the Yonge Subway line] on Saturday Dec 1st. And ...

WordPress 5.0 Beta 1 Screenshot Posters

WordPress 5.0 Beta  is out and we get to see such things as the TwentyNineteen theme, how Gutenberg and the Classic editor work together, the ...

Gutenberg Featuring Elementor Templates

As Gutenberg Editor along with WordPress 5.0 rapidly approach release [now scheduled for November 19th]a number of PageBuilder vendors  are promising interfaces with Gutenberg. Site ...

Gutenberg Debates at the WPTavern

WPTavern is the watering hole for the latest news on WordPress. As the Gutenberg Editor approaches Release Candidate in early November and the WordPress 5.0 ...

WordCamp 2018 Toronto Survey Results

For WordCamp 2018 the Organizing Committee decided to do a survey of the Toronto WordPress Group Members on what topics they would like covered in ...

WordPress Classic Editor Made Classy

As Gutenberg approaches in the next few weeks to become the in-house/in-core WordPress Editor,  pundits are speculating on how long before the Classic Brontosaur gets ...

Marquee HTML Command

WordPress as well as the W3C HTML standards setters have degraded <marquee>. In other words deprecated is the word that outlaws any use in HTML5. To wit: ...

New Themify 4 PageBuilder Surprises

Themify 4 is the new upgrade to Themify Builder which is chock full of surprises of both the Good and Bad types. Lets get the ...

Divi Supports Gutenberg … Sort-of

As WordPress 5.0 and the new Gutenberg editor release date approaches, the topend PageBuilders continue to release new feature at a blistering pace. Thrive Architect ...

Help in Making Sense of JavaScript UI Frameworks

The principal problem confronting Web Developers is the exponential rate of change in the IT industry. There is simply not enough time to check out ...

Bootstrap Moves Aggressively Mobile

In our web development JavaScript frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation Zurb and INK have been vital players. Bootstrap in particular has been used to deliver mobile ...

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