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Mobile Presence Meetup Promises Insights

This meetup tomorrow on Wednesday at 6PM is packed with new insights on Mobile Usage in WordPress. The foremost is how Mobile Devices are now ...

Why WordPress Is Changing So Fast

In a series of Fall WordPress Meetup Presentations – Speed Matters on WP optimization, Mobile Presence on how to adapt new mobile device needs on ...

Duplicate WordPress Websites

The first question to answer is why  duplicate a WordPress website? For someone who has created dozens of XAMPP & Laragon temporary WP websites the need ...

Speed Matters Insights

In a recent Meetup on Speed Matters we did some simple  exercises with Google’s Page Speed Insights to illustrate  the information that this free website ...

Getting up to Speed in WordPress CSS

Here are basic CSS Help Tips and Tutorial Resources which will be reviewed at the start of the Meetup. This is a helpful start off ...

WordPress Under Duress

WP Tavern has been reporting stories which show WordPress and  Automattic under duress for the past few months. It started with the May 12th 2022 ...

CSS Visual Editors – WP Solutions Meetup

3 years ago we we did a meetup presentation on WordPress Page Styling which highlighted changes in WordPress Page Design. The big underlying trend was the rapid ...

BoldGrid – Cloud WordPress Goes Awry

In 2018 wrote an optimistic review of  BoldGrid Cloud WordPress. The report examined the Pros and Cons for BoldGrid Cloud WordPress and found many ...

Tutorial for CSS Styling Editors

From the meetup on Methods for Fixing up Gutenberg Editor’s Styling Problems there came a 4 step plan. First was to use the Classic Editor ...

Meetup Summary – Fixing Gutenberg Editor’s Styling Missteps

Over the past 7 years Gutenberg has gone through several name changes – The  Gutenberg Editor, Block Editor, Gutenberg Block tool,  and now the Block ...

Untapped Gold: Creating & Sharing Gutenberg Blocks

DIY Creation of  Gutenberg Block  can quickly become non-trivial as seen below: Simple – edit existing  Block code as described in BoldGrid tutorial. Most code ...

Meetup on Gutenberg Editor Enhancements

As a MVP-Minimum Viable Product the Gutenberg Editor is in continual  beta to keep up with  tough competition and changing requirements  of  “No Coding Required”, ...

Mobile WP Trends – Meetup Summary

The Mobile Presence Meetup was filled with as many questions as facts and answers. However,  important facts evident in the presented Hootsuite slides – Mobile  ...

Mobile WordPress Trends

Mobile WordPress Development often  gets the short emd of the analytics stick. Fortunately, Hootsuite publishes annual reports on the state of the Web World which ...

Elementor’s Risky Changes

From the April 6th Meetup on Elementor Changes there were some interesting observations about Elementor and the WordPress PageBuilder/ThemeBuilder market. First, attendees were split equally ...

CSS WordPress Tips & Workshop

Wouldn’t you know it, you set a free Meetup for Tuesday March 15th all about WordPress CSS Tips and Tricks – and then two major ...

How TotalAV PC Internet Security Lost a Customer

I have been a TotalAV PC Internet security user since late October 2017 and have been reasonably happy with the service. But in mid-February that ...

FlipBooks for PDF and Image Display

With more Business Meeting being done online, there is a need for convenient display with a Flipbook view that reads like a magazine. Fortunately Google ...

Theme Builders Emerge as top WordPress Frontend Design Tools

For the past 20 years WordPress has gained worldwide website markets share [currently 44.0% of the top 10 million websites] by delivering easy-to-use, “no coding ...

Family Art Landing Page Design

First of 20 landing pages for Family Art Website There is lots more work to be done for each landing page . Expect the website ...

WordPress Templates 101

WordPress themes and templates are on the frontlines of frontend development. Why? Because every theme contains 12+ key  templates and style codes that determine the ...

FSE: Another WordPress Minimum Viable Product

The Gutenberg Team has a checkered history with MVP- Minimum Viable Products. Check on the Kinsta Blog which cites effect that the MVP strategy had ...

TD Canada Trust NOT Offering a Sense of Data Security

This morning I discovered a message on my cellphone: (1)TD account blocked click on,7 to resolve. Now I was immediately suspicious of the message ...

Backend Bustout – 3 Meetups

This post is about the the free online Holiday Meetups featuring 6 Backend plugins – all of which have substantial free versions in addition to ...

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