Marquee HTML Command

WordPress as well as the W3C HTML standards setters have degraded <marquee>. In other words deprecated is the word that outlaws any use in HTML5. To wit: “Note − The <marquee> tag  is deprecated in HTML5. Do not use this element, instead you can use JavaScript and CSS to create such effects.”  And indeed there is an active suppression of  <marquee> in WordPress. Users can add the command in the WordPress editor under the Text tab. But if the page or post is displayed in the Visual tab – WordPress strips out any use of the <marquee> tag. 

However, in the interim,  animated text widgets have become popular in various PageBuilders or their addons. However, there is a free and simple way to use the <marquee> tag in most of the top end PageBuilders. What I have done below is use the Thrive Architect HTML Content widget to implement various versions of the <marquee>  tag with different attribute settings. I have tried the same HTML in widgets supplied by Beaver Builder, Divi, Elementor, and Visual Composer with success. So for users looking to add Animated Text to your WordPress Pages, just use a top-end PageBuilder.

Marquee with default options

U.S. President Donald Trump and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said talks with Canada would begin immediately, though Trump threatened he could put tariffs on Canadian-made cars if a three-way deal could not be reached.“I think with Canada, frankly, the easiest we can do is to tariff their cars coming in. It’s a tremendous amount of money and it’s a very simple negotiation. It could end in one day and we take in a lot of money the following day,” Trump said.

Marquee with behavior=alternate and scrollamount=speed=2

To arms to arms the redcoats are coming …………….. without a doubt except for one lone defender suffering from Bone Spurs.

Marquee with direction=left behavior=slide and scrollamount=8

This message will slide in at speed=8 and then come to an immediate stop.

Marquee with up direction speed=2 and grey background

U.S. President Donald Trump and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said talks with Canada would begin immediately, though Trump threatened he could put tariffs on Canadian-made cars if a three-way deal could not be reached.“I think with Canada, frankly, the easiest we can do is to tariff their cars coming in. It’s a tremendous amount of money and it’s a very simple negotiation. It could end in one day and we take in a lot of money the following day,” Trump said.

Marquee with down direction and height=40 and speed=1

U.S. President Donald Trump and outgoing Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto said talks with Canada would begin immediately, though Trump threatened he could put tariffs on Canadian-made cars if a three-way deal could not be reached.“I think with Canada, frankly, the easiest we can do is to tariff their cars coming in. It’s a tremendous amount of money and it’s a very simple negotiation. It could end in one day and we take in a lot of money the following day,” Trump said.

There are ten attributes to control the <marquee> tab – see here for all the details.

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