web design

WordPress PageBuilders Become SiteBuilders

It started with Beaver Builder creating its add-on Beaver Themer last year. What Beaver Themer does is allow developers and users to takeover creating the header and footer area of any page, post or custom post. Here is how Beaver Builder spotlights its theme building add-on: Beaver Themer  works with Beaver Theme plus a small

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CSI Best Member’s Website: A Tour-de-force Design for a WordPress Newby

Your Head for the Hills Here New Website Challenge Creating a brand new website is a daunting task even if you are using the most popular website development tool, WordPress [29.3% of the world’s websites are done in WordPress]. First, WordPress tools and features are developing rapidly – in a 2016 Podcast review we cited

CSI Best Member’s Website: A Tour-de-force Design for a WordPress Newby Read More »

Meetup Review: Wed. Jan 18th

How New Web Design Has Changed and Obsoleted this Layout As suspected getting through the the first of a WordPress Starters Guide proved to be full of questions and demos. And as presenter I should have warned attendees early at the outset that the sheer volume of material would necessitate splitting the presentation into 3 parts.

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CSSHero and SiteOrigin: CSS Styling IDEs

Have you ever had the problem that you just can’t seem to correct the CSS on one of your WordPress websites?  Your browser’s Inspect command  can get you started towards isolating the right CSS  and stylesheet to change to correct the errant style. But  the Inspect command will only allow you to temporarily test CSS

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