UI Design

WordPress PageBuilders – Annoying Flaws

Our technical blog, TheOpenSourcery.com recently did a major review of Google’s New Sites and App Maker programs to support G Suite. Both Google programs are clearly committed to the Drag and Drop, “no programming required” coding model used by a wide range of Website Builders. These including the leading edge WordPress PageBuilders. So wouldn’t you […]

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WordPress 5 and Gutenberg Editor Debut: An Assessment

WordPress 5 and the Gutenberg Editor have been tantalizing WordPress developers for the last half year. There have been at least a half dozen “tentative’  delivery dates from May through November. And the Gutenberg team certainly came down to the wire in delivering a “working” version of Gutenberg. Now of course “working” is relative but

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Gutenberg Featuring Elementor Templates

As Gutenberg Editor along with WordPress 5.0 rapidly approach release [now scheduled for November 19th]a number of PageBuilder vendors  are promising interfaces with Gutenberg. Site Origins  in February was first to announce its compatibility plans. Themify Builder added in May the ability to have Themify blocks interspersed in a Gutenberg session much like it delivers

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Gutenberg Debates at the WPTavern

WPTavern is the watering hole for the latest news on WordPress. As the Gutenberg Editor approaches Release Candidate in early November and the WordPress 5.0 Launch, there are some roaring debates going on at WPtavern. This is not quite Justice Kavanaugh stridency, but beyond the normal WP civility norms. As an example, the topic of  WordPress Theme and Plugin

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WordCamp 2018 Toronto Survey Results

For WordCamp 2018 the Organizing Committee decided to do a survey of the Toronto WordPress Group Members on what topics they would like covered in the 2018  Toronto WordCamp coming December 1st.  There are over 2300 members  and here is a write up about the real challenge posed in processing the survey.  36 topics were suggested

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WordPress Classic Editor Made Classy

As Gutenberg approaches in the next few weeks to become the in-house/in-core WordPress Editor,  pundits are speculating on how long before the Classic Brontosaur gets clobbered by the full weight of  Gutenberg. This review is dedicated to the proposition that: A)The Classic Editor is far from being a vestigial organ and has many active add-ons

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Divi Supports Gutenberg … Sort-of

As WordPress 5.0 and the new Gutenberg editor release date approaches, the topend PageBuilders continue to release new feature at a blistering pace. Thrive Architect has moved firmly into the SiteBuilder camp with more advanced header, footer and sidebar customization capabilities. Themify Builder has a whole new version 4.0 with a host of new features.

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Help in Making Sense of JavaScript UI Frameworks

The principal problem confronting Web Developers is the exponential rate of change in the IT industry. There is simply not enough time to check out all the JavaScript tools especially given the underling tools are changing so fast. No more so than in JavaScript UI programming arena where there are literally dozens of frameworks, plugins

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Bootstrap Moves Aggressively Mobile

In our web development JavaScript frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation Zurb and INK have been vital players. Bootstrap in particular has been used to deliver mobile responsive, SPA-Single Page Apps. But all of the  JavaScript frameworks  provide great templates, solid CSS libraries including new animation styling, plus inline JavaScript support usually with jQuery leading the way.

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Creative Designs Possible with WordPress SiteBuilders

Okay what is a WordPress SiteBuilder? Shhh don’t tell anyone but this is the potent combo of  a Multilayout Theme [think free Astra, Generate Press, OceanWP] with a top-end PageBuilder [like the free BeaverBuilder lite, Elementor or VisualComposer.io] These combo tools have created a new category of WordPress Frontend UI development- the WordPress SiteBuilder. This

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WordPress Invades Z-index Space with ToolTips

Now let us be clear, WordPress themes and plugins have been operating in Z-index space for many years. Sliders, animations, and popup modals have been on the WordPress UI scene placing images and objects above a web page. Also think of tabs, accordions,  gallery lightboxes, and background hero images revealed in parallax glimpses. But with

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Meetup Review: Wed. Jan 18th

How New Web Design Has Changed and Obsoleted this Layout As suspected getting through the the first of a WordPress Starters Guide proved to be full of questions and demos. And as presenter I should have warned attendees early at the outset that the sheer volume of material would necessitate splitting the presentation into 3 parts.

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