Site packed with helpful Web tips
By using WYSIWYG tools like PageBuilder, Smart Sliders, Easy-to-use Gallery, etc, it is possible to deliver a high level DIY development. The advantage of these tools is that our own development time is accelerated and thus delivering more bang for the buck.
Strong Mission Assessment & Strategy Review
With our performance Measurement Tools it is easy to see the strengths and weaknesses of your website across such factors as Performance Tuning, Mobile Responsive & Accessibility status, SEO and Promotional, Security Vulnerability, Operational Admin Readiness. See our Services for suuport.
Membership site with videos & sliders
Membership websites using BuddyPress, bbPress, and Membership plugins are one area of specialty. As well portfolio and grid layouts are another. Finally, we do eCommerce with Shopify, some SiteBuilders and WooCommerce. Check our Services page for more details.
Web image and video design is our expertise
With the advent of full-width and full page images and videos, website performance is being stretched to the limit. But lazy loading, ultimate smart compression of photos & images plus specialty tools can restore good load times. But even more important is creating top notch images and video in the first place. In addition we specilize in fixing dirty dog photos and video. For graphics design, we know how.
Timely and Competitive Website Proposals
Our repertoire of performance measurement tools and experience with a broad range of projects has resulted in several dozen Website revisions or startup proposals per year. Our specialty is small to medium scale businesses that need quick turnaround. Our prices at $40-60/hour are competitive given the exceptional tools we use.
Powerful Web Design and Development tools We own licenses to the very best MultiPurpose Theme and PageBuilder tools for WordPress and JavaScript. This includes great slider, gallery, CSS IDE, and conversion tools. In addition tracking the latest developments in Web tools in trends is reflected on our websites – The and